Why you shouldn't worry about buying the latest gear.

You’ve heard the advertisements before:

“Come get the latest and greatest smartphone/computer/camera/etc.!”

It’s tempting to want the latest things. These companies offer more and more each time, promising better results and more success, especially in the world of photography. And of course, I’m not picking on these companies because they allow us to continue doing what we love.

Don’t get me wrong, nicer gear allows great photographers to achieve more, but my point is that you don’t need the most expensive or latest gear to be a good or even great photographer.

This doesn’t even apply to just photography, it applies to any form of art.

If you are focused (haha photography pun) on the craft and improving yourself, it doesn’t matter what gear you have, so long as you have the ability to create. You can always get better gear later.

Anybody can go out and buy the best instrument, paint brushes, clay, dance shoes, etc. but they will not automatically make somebody a great artist. The artist comes from within.

∆ Abbi

I dropped my lens into my dog's water bowl.

Well, actually, I didn’t see it happen.

Several nights ago, I ran upstairs to my room to get my camera out because the moon looked really cool and I wanted to capture it.

Fast forward to a couple nights ago. I went up to my room to tidy up a bit. I glanced at my dog’s water bowl and one of my lenses was just having a little swim.

So of course I was like, “What the heck??” I’m guessing that in my shuffle to grab my camera, the lens just fell out and I didn’t see it.

Naturally, I was pretty upset because camera gear isn’t cheap, but I did learn a valuable lesson not to store my camera gear near any kind of liquid.

In the end, I decided to laugh about it, because there’s nothing I can do to change the situation! Two good things did come of it, though. First, I ended up getting a different lens and I fell in love with it instantly! I should’ve dropped that other lens in the water sooner! Second, my brother is a mechanical nerd, so I figured he would have a good time disassembling it to see how it works!

The moral of the story: You can gain just as much from a bad situation as you can from a good one. Focus on positivity and you’ll see positivity.

∆ Abbi

6 Ways Cope When You're In a Slump

The last few weeks have been quite a motivational struggle for me. I know I am not the only one. It’s getting colder, it’s getting darker, and for those of you in Iowa, you know the weather has been absolutely terrible!

I would say most if not all of us will experience a slump at some point in our life, but you can’t let it discourage you. There are ways that can help alleviate these feelings of idleness. These are a few things that I do.

Drink Tea

Having a warm drink can soothe your body and mind. Tea is aromatic, too, and that can really help you feel a lot better! I usually go for an herbal tea that does not have caffeine, or a green tea that has minimal caffeine. Either way, drinking tea is a great way to settle you down, warm you up, and keep you hydrated.


Meditation is a great way to balance your mind, and you don’t always have to set aside a lot of time to do it. Throughout my day, I will close my eyes and focus on a feeling or sound for about 10 seconds or so. Breathing is also important when you do this! When I focus on a positive feeling or sound, it reboots my thinking onto a more motivated path.

Go To Bed Early

It’s important to get enough sleep each night, because you literally need sleep to survive. If I am having a bad day, sometimes an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. I wake up feeling a lot more positive and ready for another day.

Talk To Friends and Family

Socialize! Call somebody on the phone and have a real conversation with them. It doesn’t have to be about your day or about how you’re feeling, but having a casual conversation with another person can really boost your spirits. I like to talk to my brother, parents, or even my grandparents!

Cuddle/Play With My Dog

Dogs are great because they’re always up for an adventure, even if it’s just throwing a ball down the hallway! You’ll spot my dog, PJ, a few times in my Pet Photography Gallery. He’s the black dog with white chest markings and socks. Giving him extra play time and belly scratches always makes me feel happy and it makes him happier too. If you have a pet, give them some extra attention. It’ll be good for both of you!

Do the Task That I’m Dreading

Sometimes it’s best to just rip off the bandage. Putting off the dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc. makes my lack of motivation even worse in many cases. If I can muster up the energy to just do the tasks that I don’t want to do, most of the time, it will push me to do more and my motivation problem is gone! The hardest part is starting.

We can’t let our slump get the best of us, because we are all better than that. Ask others for help and learn to rely on yourself for motivation. If you can do those things, you will be okay!

∆ Abbi

What Happens When You Procrastinate

It is literally 6:00am on September 26 as I am writing this. Due to this situation, this blog post will remain pretty brief, but I will do what I can with the time that I have! Now this post might sound angry, but I assure you, it is not. I hope it brings inspiration to those of you who read it!


Clearly, I have been procrastinating a bit this week. Some of it is due to unforeseen circumstances in my life, but it’s mostly because I didn’t put the time in.  


When you procrastinate, you’re not only holding others back, you’re holding yourself back. That isn’t fair to anybody. 


Life is going to kick you over, knock you down and push you around, but you can’t let it stop you from focusing on your goals. You can blame other people or situations for your failures and shortcomings, but it’s nobody’s fault but your own.  


“Wow, Abbi, that’s kind of harsh, isn’t it?” 


Yeah, it is. There are tough realities in life, but you have to prove that you can overcome them. Some are easier to overcome than others, but sooner or later, you can conquer anything.


 ∆ Abbi