
Why Competition is a Good Thing.

You might be a photographer like me, or you might be something completely different. Whatever your profession or hobby, competition exists.

The illusion is that the competition is a bad thing. My message is: don’t be fooled by that!

Competition keeps professionals on the edge. The downside to this, of course, is that somebody is going to fall short, but the beauty is that everybody has a chance to shine! If others are doing better than you, evaluate why that may be the case.

In the case of photography, you have to look not only at the quality of the photos, but also at customer service strategies and activity on social media. There are so many reasons why others might be more successful than you. It’s okay to imitate how others gain success. They’re successful for a reason (don’t plagiarize though, that can get you in trouble)!

In photography, there was film, and then things changed to digital. The photographers who refused to learn digital became irrelevant because they couldn’t offer what the market was demanding. That’s not to say that there is no longer a market for film photography. Sometimes it’s good to be able to offer a variety of services. So if you were someone who preferred film, keep it as a hobby and offer it to clients who may want that option, but don’t forget to evolve with the market!

What I’m trying to say is, if you find that you aren’t gaining success, look to those who are and get inspired by them! Instead of getting discouraged, try celebrating your competitors because there is so much you can learn from them.

If we didn’t have competition in the world, things would never improve and there’d be no reason to innovate the industry. You know the saying: “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” That doesn’t apply to everything, but I think it applies here!

Let competition be fun! I’d definitely like to hear what you guys have to say about your experiences dealing with competition! Share them in the comments!

I hope your year is going well so far!

Δ Abbi

How to go on an adventure.

Do you find yourself waking up every morning at the same time, going to the same job, doing the same things, eating the same lunch, seeing the same people, etc., etc.? Me too! I sometimes feel stuck in my own life, and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way.

Here’s the thing, just because you feel stuck doesn’t mean there is something wrong with your life. It just means that you’re in a rut and you need a change of pace.

Studies show that animals need a changing environment to maintain cognitive health. For example, many people will rotate their dog’s toys every week. Basically, they have half of the dogs toys available to the dog, and the other half are tucked away and hidden. Once a week they are rotated, and to the dog, it’s like getting all new toys each week!

So maybe you can’t afford to take a vacation all the time, or you can’t get away from your work. That’s okay! Just try implementing small changes in your life.

Instead of waking up at your normal time, force yourself to wake up 30 minutes earlier and do an easy 15 minute exercise. Listen to some different music on your way to work, and maybe take a different route! Go out for lunch for once (or bring your own lunch if you often go out). Join a club and meet some new people, or just make some small talk wherever you go! You don’t have to do these things all the time, but if you’re getting a little bored, try something new.

I often find myself wanting to do the same things over and over again every day because it’s what I’m familiar with and it’s what is comfortable to me. Because of that, I don’t always go out and take photos as often as I should, or I put off all the editing that I need to do. When I’m in those moods, I try to change things up to get myself out of the rut.

Adventures don’t have to be anything extravagant. Most of the time, it’s about the attitude. We get stuck because we get too comfortable. Being comfortable feels good for a reason, but if we get too set in our ways, it can ironically make us uncomfortable.

So go out and make a change. Make your own adventure. Be spontaneous! Most of all, don’t let your rut turn you against yourself!

∆ Abbi